Do you love the Pottery Barn Grey Wash finish, but don’t how to create it without spending hours upon hours searching for the right stain? I’ll admit, it took me a while to figure out how to make this Grey Wash finish, but it was oh-so-worth-it when I saw the final product. To this date, it’s one of my clients’ most asked for finishes and I couldn’t agree more as its variations in color provide great contrast to a space. Check out my free plans below to see how you can create it yourself with just a few ingredients!
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THE Pottery barn grey wash finish PLANS
The plans for the Pottery Barn inspired Grey Wash finish is shown below. Please share photos of your projects on Instagram with the hashtag, thecreativeOTwoodshop, so I can share your beautiful creations and inspire other builder’s like you!
Material List
- 1 Quart of Varathane Briarsmoke stain
- 1 Quart of Minwax Dark Walnut stain
- 1 Quart of Zinsser White Paint and Primer
- 1 Quart of Semi-Gloss Hot Stone Valspar Paint
- Cloth rags
- 1 paintbrush
- 1 Quart of Mineral spirits
- 220 grit sandpaper
Day 1: Grey Wash Finish Stain LayerS
Step 1: Briarsmoke Stain Layer
Apply a layer of Varathane Briarsmoke stain using cloth rags along the grain of the wood. Apply it thicker and lighter in areas, leaving some spaces open to having no stain, to allow all the colors within this project shine.

Step 2: Dark Walnut Stain Layer
Immediately following the Briarsmoke Stain layer, apply a layer of Minwax Dark Walnut stain using cloth rags along the grain of the wood in random areas following the Varathane Briarsmoke stain. Make sure to continue to leave open spaces on the wood.

Step 3: Drying Time
Allow the two layers of stain to dry overnight.
Day 2: Grey Wash Finish Paint Layers
Step 1: White Dry Brush Technique
Utilize the dry brush technique with the white paint to complete this step. Don’t know how to do the dry brush technique? Opt-in underneath this image to receive the free printable plans with a supply list and step-by-step instructions below.

Step 2: Apply Hot Stone Paint by Valspar
Apply a thick coat of Hot Stone Paint by Valspar. Depending on how light or dark you want the Grey Wash stain to be, you can add less or more of the Hot Stone paint. Unfortunately, this paint is not sold online and you will need to go to your local Lowe’s to purchase it.

Step 3: Apply Another Coat of White Dry Brush
Add another light coat of white paint using the dry brush technique. Let dry for 2 hours or according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Day 3: Sand
Step 1: Lightly Hand Sand
The following day, when your furniture piece is dry, using 220 grit sandpaper, go over your furniture piece and lightly sand with your hands. Do not use an electric sander for this step as you may take off too much of the finish. Make sure when you’re staining that you’re going along the grain, and not against the grain, to make it look naturally distressed.

Although it takes a bit of elbow grease to re-create the Pottery Barn Grey Wash finish, you’ll definitely fall in love with the end result. And in just 3 days, you’ll get a beautiful finish that you, or your clients, will be sure to appreciate. I used this finish on a bench that I created for my home and looks beautiful in our front entry! Stay tuned, and sign up for my mailing list to the right, as the plans for this Pottery Barn inspired Bartol Bench will be coming soon to the Creative OT Woodshop.

Thanks for reading and I’ll see you in the next one, sweet friend!
XOXO, Laura